Customizing Epicor Part Lot Attribute Entry

If you have ever wanted to customize the Epicor Part Lot Attribute Entry screen that you access from various screens like Receipt Entry:

Screenshot of Epicor ERP’s Receipt Tracker with the Part Lot Attribute Screen open - GingerHelp

You may find yourself frustrated that none of the techniques you typically follow are working. This one is a little tricky because you need to go through a bit of a nuanced process to get it to work correctly. First off, note that when you see this form, it generates from the Lot Entry screen on a subform you would not normally see in that standalone module. If you were to customize Lot Number Entry directly off the menu, your customization would be for App.LotNumberEntry.LotNumberForm, whereas the popup we see here is App.LotNumberEntry.LotAttributesForm. So, with that in mind, let’s walk through the steps to customize this form:

  1. Create a customization for the main Lot Number Entry form. It doesn’t need to do anything; we need a customization to exist and note the name. In my case, I named it LotEntry_20190716.

  2. Now use developer mode within a module that calls the Part Lot Attribute Entry screen and customize that screen within the popup. When you save it, save it with the same customization name as #1. This is a crucial step that had me scratching my head for a very long time. So in my case, I named it LotEntry_20190716 as well. At this point if you went to Customization Maintenance and pilled up these two customizations, they should look like the following:

Screenshot of Epicor Customization/Personalization Maintenance Screen - GingerHelp
Screenshot of Epicor ERP Customization/personalization screen to help with customizing the Epicor Part Lot screen - GingerHelp

Now you need to go into menu maintenance and create a ‘Process’ menu entry that points LotNumberEntry to this customization. Note that the dropdown where you pick the customization name has a single option, and it is for App.LotNumberEntry.LotNumberForm. This is why it is so crucial that you name these customizations the same. Here is what the menu maintenance entry looks like:

Screenshot of Epicor ERP Menu Maintenance screen - GingerHelp

Now for the last step, we need to use Process Calling Maintenance to tell Epicor which menu entry to use (the one we just created) any time Receipt calls LotNumberEntry:

Screenshot of Epicor ERP Process Calling Maintenance screen - GingerHelp

That should be it - now, when the lot attributes form is presented, it should show your customized screen. I hope this helps some of you!